1:  VICII_O_Sprite0X                        := 0
     2:  VICII_O_Sprite0Y                        := 1
     3:  VICII_O_Sprite1X                        := 2
     4:  VICII_O_Sprite1Y                        := 3
     5:  VICII_O_Sprite2X                        := 4
     6:  VICII_O_Sprite2Y                        := 5
     7:  VICII_O_Sprite3X                        := 6
     8:  VICII_O_Sprite3Y                        := 7
     9:  VICII_O_Sprite4X                        := 8
    10:  VICII_O_Sprite4Y                        := 9
    11:  VICII_O_Sprite5X                        := 10
    12:  VICII_O_Sprite5Y                        := 11
    13:  VICII_O_Sprite6X                        := 12
    14:  VICII_O_Sprite6Y                        := 13
    15:  VICII_O_Sprite7X                        := 14
    16:  VICII_O_Sprite7Y                        := 15
    17:  VICII_O_SpriteXMSB                      := 16   ; MSBs of all Sprite X coordinates; bit i corresponds to sprite i
    19:  VICII_O_ControlReg1                     := 17
    20:  VICII_B_ControlReg1_Raster8             := $80  ; bit 8 of VICII_O_Raster
    21:  VICII_B_ControlReg1_ECM                 := $40  ; extended color mode
    22:  VICII_B_ControlReg1_BMM                 := $20  ; bit map mode (HiRes)
    23:  VICII_B_ControlReg1_DEN                 := $10  ; display enable
    24:  VICII_B_ControlReg1_RSEL                := $08  ; 1 = 25 rows, 0 = 24 rows
    25:  VICII_B_ControlReg1_YSCROLL_MASK        := $07  ; offset from top in raster lines
    27:  VICII_O_Raster                          := 18
    28:  VICII_O_LightPenX                       := 19
    29:  VICII_O_LightPenY                       := 20
    30:  VICII_O_SprEnable                       := 21   ; sprite enable: 1 = sprite is enabled. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    32:  VICII_O_ControlReg2                     := 22
    33:  VICII_B_ControlReg2_Reserved1           := $80  ; unused
    34:  VICII_B_ControlReg2_Reserved2           := $40  ; unused
    35:  VICII_B_ControlReg2_RES                 := $20  ; RESET on 6566; unused on 6567/6569
    36:  VICII_B_ControlReg2_MCM                 := $10  ; multicolor bitmap
    37:  VICII_B_ControlReg2_CSEL                := $08  ; 1 = 40 colums, 0 = 38 columns
    38:  VICII_B_ControlReg2_XSCROLL_MASK        := $07  ; offset in pixels from left side
    40:  VICII_O_SprExpandY                      := 23   ; sprite Y expansion: 1 = sprite is expanded. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    42:  VICII_O_MemControl                      := 24
    43:  VICII_B_MemControl_Reserved             := $01
    44:  VICII_B_MemControl_CB_Mask              := $0E
    45:  VICII_B_MemControl_VM_Mask              := $F0
    47:  VICII_O_IRQFlags                        := 25   ; interrupt register
    48:  VICII_B_IRQFlags_RST                    := $01
    49:  VICII_B_IRQFlags_MBC                    := $02
    50:  VICII_B_IRQFlags_MMC                    := $04
    51:  VICII_B_IRQFlags_LP                     := $08  ; lightpen
    52:  VICII_B_IRQFlags_Reserved               := $70
    53:  VICII_B_IRQFlags_Any                    := $80  ; any IRQ happened
    55:  VICII_O_IRQMasks                        := 26
    56:  VICII_B_IRQMasks_RST                    := VICII_B_IRQFlags_RST
    57:  VICII_B_IRQMasks_MBC                    := VICII_B_IRQFlags_MBC
    58:  VICII_B_IRQMasks_MMC                    := VICII_B_IRQFlags_MMC
    59:  VICII_B_IRQMasks_LP                     := VICII_B_IRQFlags_LP
    60:  VICII_B_IRQMasks_Reserved               := $F0
    62:  VICII_O_SprPriority                     := 27   ; sprite data priority: 1 = sprite is behind data, 0 = sprite is before. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    63:  VICII_O_SprMCM                          := 28   ; sprite multi color mode: 1 = sprite is multi-color. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    64:  VICII_O_SprExpandX                      := 29   ; sprite X expansion: 1 = sprite is expanded. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    65:  VICII_O_SprSprColl                      := 30   ; sprite-sprite collision: 1 = sprite has collided with another sprite. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    66:  VICII_O_SprBackColl                     := 31   ; sprite-background collision: 1 = sprite has collided with the background. bit i corresponds to sprite i
    68:  VICII_O_BorderCol                       := 32   ; border color
    69:  VICII_O_BackgCol0                       := 33   ; background color 0
    70:  VICII_O_BackgCol1                       := 34   ; background color 1
    71:  VICII_O_BackgCol2                       := 35   ; background color 2
    72:  VICII_O_BackgCol3                       := 36   ; background color 3
    74:  VICII_O_SprMCMCol0                      := 37   ; multi-color sprite: color 0
    75:  VICII_O_SprMCMCol1                      := 38   ; multi-color sprite: color 1
    77:  VICII_O_Spr0Col                         := 39   ; sprite 0 color
    78:  VICII_O_Spr1Col                         := 40   ; sprite 1 color
    79:  VICII_O_Spr2Col                         := 41   ; sprite 2 color
    80:  VICII_O_Spr3Col                         := 42   ; sprite 3 color
    81:  VICII_O_Spr4Col                         := 43   ; sprite 4 color
    82:  VICII_O_Spr5Col                         := 44   ; sprite 5 color
    83:  VICII_O_Spr6Col                         := 45   ; sprite 6 color
    84:  VICII_O_Spr7Col                         := 46   ; sprite 7 color
    86:  VICIIe_O_Keyboard                       := 47   ; bit 3..0: status of 4 additional keyboard pins (TODO: 3 or 4?)
    87:  VICIIe_B_Keyboard_Reserved_MASK         := $F0  ; unused
    89:  VICIIe_O_ControlReg3                    := 48   ; TODO: Is there a test bit $02?
    90:  VICIIe_B_ControlReg3_2MHZ               := $01  ; 1 = 2 MHz mode, 0 = 1 MHz mode
    91:  VICIIe_B_ControlReg3_Reserved_MASK      := $FE  ; unused
    93:  COL_BLACK      = 0
    94:  COL_WHITE      = 1
    95:  COL_RED        = 2
    96:  COL_CYAN       = 3
    97:  COL_VIOLET     = 4
    98:  COL_GREEN      = 5
    99:  COL_BLUE       = 6
   100:  COL_YELLOW     = 7
   101:  COL_ORANGE     = 8
   102:  COL_BROWN      = 9
   103:  COL_LIGHTRED   = 10
   104:  COL_GRAY1      = 11
   105:  COL_GRAY2      = 12
   106:  COL_LIGHTGREEN = 13
   107:  COL_LIGHTBLUE  = 14
   108:  COL_GRAY3      = 15
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